Greenville-Butler County Library

Book A Librarian

If your Student has a project, report, or class assignment due, call us!

We can talk by phone or ZOOM with you or your student to help find resources either in-house or on the internet to assist them. Depending on the assignment, we can have resources (books or print outs) available for you to pick up or either share materials via email. 

How does it work?

Call us at 334.382.3216 or email us at: and we will assist you or your student in finding resources for their class project, assignment, or report. You can also reach out to us via Facebook if you are a Facebook user.


What do you offer?

It is really dependent on the project itself. What we would like to do is discuss the assignment via email, phone, or ZOOM, with the child doing the assignment (call it a ‘consultation’ which should take about five to ten minutes). Or, if the parent knows what the assignment entails, we can talk with the parent.


What resources are available?

Books; Copies; Print outs from the Internet; eBooks; digital documents (PDFs, photo images); educational websites


How will my student receive these?

Again, it depends on what the project calls for, but we can either provide a book you can check out, a packet of print outs, a file sent to you via email, or other materials.


Is there a cost for this service?

No. We do charge for print outs and copies, but we are currently waiving charges on up to ten pages. You would be responsible for the difference dependent on how many pages are printed or copies. However, we will alert you of these charges before hand and make every effort to stay below ten pages. Also, for books, you or your student should have a library card to check out materials.


What grades is this service available for?

From K5 to High School.


What else should I know?

In most cases, we should be able to acquire materials for your student rather quickly, but please give us adequate lead time for the assignment (in other words: don’t call us on Monday with an assignment due on Tuesday – especially for BIG projects).


Additionally, as we have other responsibilities at the library, giving us a good lead time allows us to search and acquire the best resources to help your student achieve an excellent grade on their assignment!

Questions? Please call Library Director Kevin Pearcey at 382-3216, or email: